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FCO 82/542
Foreign Office
Internal Political situation in USA (1975)
Report on the internal political situation in the US. The two dominant issues in the US are the state of the economy and the prospects for the 1976 Presidential elections. Decisions on both domestic and foreign policies are increasingly affected by electoral considerations. Report on President Ford's Administration, Domestic policy and Ford's Energy Bill and Tax Cut extension Bill, the economy, inflation and unemployment, Foreign policy and Soviet activity in Angola and the continued restrictions on Jewish emigration, Elections and the two declared Republican candidates ex Governor Reagan of California and President Ford himself and ten declared candidates for the Democratic nomination including Senators Henry Jackson, Bentsen and Bayh, former Senator Harris and Congressman Udal, former Governors Carter and Sanford, Governor Shapp, Sargent Shriver and Governor George Wallace of Alabama. Full text of address by the President to the Joint Session of Congress in the House Chamber.
The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
North America
Angola, United States, Soviet Union
Africa; Argentina; Asia; Australia; Brazil; Britain; Cambodia; China; Cyprus; Ecuador; Egypt; Europe; France; Geneva; Greece; Hanoi; Indonesia; Iran; Ireland; Israel; Japan; Korea; Latin America; Mediterranean; Mexico; Micronesia; Middle East; New Zealand; Nigeria; Russia; South Vietnam; Soviet Union; Turkey; United Kingdom; United States of America; Venezuela; Vietnam
Askew, Reubin; Bentsen, Lloyd D; Brezhnev, Leonid; Buckley, James; Connally, John B; Ford, Gerald; Fox, Roy; Haig, Alexander; Hays, Wayne; Humphrey, Hubert; Jackson, Henry; Kennedy, Edward Moore; Kissinger, Henry; Kosygin, Alexey; Mansfield, Mike; Meany, George; Nixon, Richard M; Ramsbotham, Sir Peter; Reagan, Ronald; Rendall, Archie; Richardson, Elliot; Russell, Mark; Sadat, Muhammad Anwar Al; Schlesinger, James; Scott, Hugh; Scowcroft, Brent; Shriver, Sargent; Stewart, Michael; Truman, Harry S.; Wallace, George; Williams, Shirley; Wilson, Harold
Agriculture; Aid; Arab; Armed services; Arms; British Embassy; British-American Parliamentary Group; CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); Civil rights; Communist; Congress; Congressional Relations; Conservation; Crime; Defence; Democratic Party; Department of State; Detente; Disarmament; Draft; Economic policy; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; Environment; FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation); Federal Reserve; foreign policy; Health; Inflation; Isolationism; Mid-Term elections; Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV); Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR); North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Nuclear Weapons; Oil; organisation; Payments; Pentagon; Poverty; Price controls; Race; Recession; Refugees; Republican Party; Saturday night massacre; Socialism; State Department; State of the Union Message; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties; Supreme Court; Taxation; Taxes; The Nine; Trade; Trade Bill; Trade unions; Treasury; troops; Unemployment; United Nations; Vice President; Wages; Watergate; Welfare; White House; withdrawal; World Food Conference
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